Enrollment Forms
For your convenience, the enrollment forms can be filled out and printed prior to coming to school to complete the enrollment process.
Please bring the following with you when you come to enroll your child/children.
- Student's Birth Certificate
- Proof of Parent/Guardian Identity and relationship to student
- Copy of social security card or number given on paperwork
- Immunization records
- Proof of residence (i.e. utility bill, payroll check stub, or rent receipt showing name and address)
- Legal Documentation (if applicable)
Individual Forms can be downloaded if needed:
- Foster Child Form - (mandatory form if enrolling a foster child)
- Relative Caregiver Affidavit
- Download the Entire New Student Registration Form Packet PDF
- The registration forms are fill-in-able when using a computer. Please fill in the forms, print and return them to the school. Due to personal information included in the forms we will not accept them by email. The forms are not fill-in-able while using a cell phone.
- Download Each Individual Form
- Registration Packet Cover Letter
- Household Census Information Form
- Student Information Form
- Request for Student Records
- Student Health Information
- SIS Parent Portal Application Form
- Transportation Information Form
- Enrollment Affidavit of Resident Landlord
- Enrollment Affirmation for Parent or Court-Appointed Guardian
- Option to Withhold Information Media Release and Field Trip Permission Form
- Personal Wireless Electronic Device Policy
- Student Technology Usage Agreement
- Download Each Individual Form
- Parents as Teachers
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Free and Reduced Lunch Form please visit the Food Services webpage to find the most recent copy of the Free and Reduced Lunch Application Forms. Remember, each family applying for this program much complete one application form each year.
Returning Student Forms
School Supplies
Learn more about the list of school supplies required for PreK - 8th grade.
High School Students - Work Permits
Student Work Permit Form - Department of Labor and Industrial Relations
Virtual Learning Enrollment
- Launch Virtual Learning Platform Enrollment